Understanding the Endocannabinoid System

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As we make our way further into the technology age, advancements in biology and medicine grant us valuable insights into how our bodies work and how we can better care for them. While we learn more about the transmitter systems within us, we glean knowledge on how to fight and cure disease as well as how to experience a better quality of life. In recent years, scientists have discovered and began study on a transmitter system known as the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) — one that is proving to be quite vital to our well-being. 

An Interesting Correlation 

As can probably be gathered from the name, the Endocannabinoid System is interestingly related to a plant we know as Cannabis. A better understanding of this newly discovered transmitter system begins with understanding cannabis and its fundamental compounds. 

Cannabis, though sometimes used synonymously with the drug marijuana, is actually a genus of plants that has been used extensively throughout history. Known for its medicinal properties as well as its applications in papermaking, cloth weaving, and yarn spinning, cannabis plants have proven to be a trusted crop in times both past and present.  

What Are Cannabinoids?

Simply put, cannabinoids are specific compounds within the cannabis plant and are in number about 66— so far. When speaking about these compounds, there are two of them that have become widely recognized and well-studied. They are known as THC and CBD. 


This is the compound responsible for most psychoactive effects experienced with cannabis consumption. Substances that contain concentrated amounts of THC remain criminalized at the federal level as well as in a number of states. 


CBD is the second most prevalent compound in cannabis and is non-psychoactive. It does not produce any kind of high and is legal at the federal level, readily available in most parts of the United States. Research has shown that CBD can provide a number of benefits to both body and mind. 

The ECS: An Overview

As is the case with our other transmitter systems, the ECS comprises a vast network of signals and receptors that are highly concentrated in the brain and exist throughout the body. The role of the ECS is still under study but we do know that this system helps to regulate a number of our most vital bodily functions such as:

  • Emotional processing
  • Learning 
  • Memory
  • Pain control
  • Immune responses
  • Sleep

Specialized receptors within this system known as cannabinoid receptors act as authorities over neurotransmitters or “signal senders”, essentially regulating how the brain functions. In order for these receptors to carry out their responsibilities, they recruit the help of molecules called Endocannabinoids. 


These molecules produced in the body, have a structure similar to compounds within the cannabis plant. Endocannabinoids stimulate cannabinoid receptors and work to keep everything in check. In so many words, the endocannabinoids are the laborers of the operation while the cannabinoid receptors are the decision-makers, sending directives to neurotransmitters in the brain.  

Deficiencies Cause Problems 

When the ECS becomes dysregulated, it often results in the decreased production of endocannabinoids. This deficiency is a recognized medical condition known as clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD) and has been tied to a number ills including:

  • Migraine
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Related disorders

Cannabinoids May Be Able to Help

Reason leads many medical professionals to believe that the introduction of cannabinoids to the body may help with ECS regulation, restoring the balance that CECD fights against. Research is currently underway and looks very promising. Cannabinoids have demonstrated an ability to block spinal, peripheral, and gastrointestinal mechanisms that cause a number of conditions. In short, findings suggest that CECD may be suitably addressed with cannabinoid medicines such as those that contain CBD. 


Never heard of the ECS until today? That’s okay, neither have most. The important thing is that we begin to appreciate its role in sustaining our bodies and minds. In light of what has been discovered, medical experts are beginning to explore more deeply the positive effects cannabinoid compounds such as CBD can have. 

As mentioned before, CBD oils are completely safe and legal, readily available for use. If you have questions about full-spectrum CBD oil products or CBD isolates, feel free to browse our store.  

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